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Fuel Economy Awards Ceremony - April 27, 2013

Winners of the 2013 Muskegon Area Fuel Economy Challenge (left to right, Tony Helmholdt-Event Sponser, Bill Constantino-Electric, Ed Dombrowski-Series Hybrid, Ken Vos-Human Hybrid, Eric Rennie-Human Power, Kraig Schultz-Sponser)

The winners of the Fuel Economy Challenge displayed their vehicles at the Muskegon Earth Fair, on Saturday, April 27, from 1-4pm. This picture shows the future and the past. A line up of the vehicles of the future between the MAREC center and the BC Cobb Coal Powered Electric Plant.

Some of the parking lot crew (left to right, Mark Bredeweg, Ron Bredeweg, Eric Rennie, Bill Constantino, Ken Vos, Reliable Sport Crew Member, Tony Helmholt, Reliable Sport Crew Member)

First Place Human Hybrid Winner Ken Vos (white shirt) with First place Human Powered Vehicle Rider Eric Rennie (holding helmet). As would be expected Eric Rode his bicycle in from Spring Lake for the event.

The Reliable Sport Team brought out a slew of electric bikes for the public to ride free of charge. Everybody loved them!

Ken Vos, owner of Reliable Sport orientates a young person to his first ride on an electric.

Electric Vehicle 1st Place Winner Bill Constantino touts electric cars with the crowds.

Bill takes fair visitors for rides in the Tesla!

Electric Gas Hybrid 1st Place Winner Ed Dombrowski talks with Fuel Economy Challenge Sponser Tony Helmholdt of Torke Electric Vehicles

Gary Butts (with his battery powered electric mower) talks with Earth Fair Staff member Jack Kennedy. Both stand in front of Ed's beautiful Chevy Volt.

Dash display of Ed's Chevy Volt. Ed drove in from Whitehall and did some errands before coming to the event. He drove 37.5 miles using less than .2 gallons of gasoline.

Let's look a little closer at this screen. Perhaps it says that driving 37.5 miles took .2 gallons of gasoline plus 10,600 Watts of electricity. If so, then the total Watts could be approximated as 6,741Watts (.2 gallons x 33,705 Watts/Gallon) from Gasoline plus 10,600 Watts from electricity for a total of 17,341 Watts used to travel 37.5 miles or 462 Wh/Mile or about 73 MPGe!

Event Sponser Tony Helmholdt shows his concept bike.

Tony Helmholdt and Bill Constantino

Trail Buddy Team Members (left to right Mark Bredeweg, Ron Bredeweg, Scott Bredeweg). Trail Buddy in Zeeland, Michigan builds gasoline and electric powered Trail 70 bikes.

Thanks to being able to recharge at the MAREC Chargepoint, event sponser Kraig Schultz riding the Delta-11 prototype, took the scenic route home visiting family in Dalton and then enjoying the beautiful spring evening to log 93 miles using only 8.12kWh from the grid (87 Wh/Mile = 387 MPGe). His out of pocket fuel cost for the entire day was less than $1.00!

2013 Fuel Economy Challenge Winners

View Winning Entries (Click Below for More Information):

1 - Human Powered:  Eric Rennie from Spring Lake. 3,348 Miles in Last Calendar Year, 1st Place $25 Cash Prize

2 - Human-Electric Hybrid: Reliable Sport's Hybrid Electric Bike, ridden 1,350 miles in 2012, 36V 500W Motor, 1st Place $25 Cash Prize
3 - Electric: Bill Constantino from Caledonia, MI, 82 MPGe with 2013 Tesla Model S, 1st Place, $25 Cash Prize

4 - Electric/Gasoline Hybrid: Ed Dombrowski from Whitehall with Chevy Volt, 1st Place, $25 Cash Prize
Thanks to all who participated in making this a successful event.

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