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Bill Constantino from Caledonia, MI, 82 MPGe with 2013 Tesla Model S
This is Bills brand new Tesla. His MPGe is from 332 miles driven in Michigan winter weather. We haven't made the correction for number of people in car yet during these miles.

Bill has a 4 kWh Solar PV array on his house to help charge up his car.

Gary of Ada, MI. Electric Riding Lawnmower Conversion
Gary charges his mower using his Solar PV. This is an excellent application for electric power as yard tools generate much more pollution per hour of operation than your typical modern day car.

Tony Helmholdt from Cascade, MI, 300+ MPGe with Suzuki Conversion
Example Post - Tony is Ineligible to win because he is a sponsor.

Kraig Schultz, from Grand Haven, MI, 350 MPGe with Home Built Motorcycle
Example Post - Kraig is Ineligible to win because he is a sponsor.

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A Good Summary of Electric Cars available in 2013: http://cleantechnica.com/car-answers/ Groups that we are contacting include:

EvAlbum http://www.evalbum.com/
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