Design Vision: Sail Car Concept has the following design characteristics:
- Wind, Electric, Human Hy-Brid
- Meets legal requirements of Moped (1 person, <2hp, 30mph max speed, etc.)
- Fully enclosed, provides protection from rain and cold
- Empty Weight < 200 lbs.
- Low areodynamic drag (Cd<.15)
- Three wheels, Front Steering via 1 wheel (Tripod Trike)
- Easy Enter/Exit
- Fits through 28 inch doorway and in back of Minivan
Marketing Vision: A PTV has the following market characteristics:
- Fun Sport Commuter Vehicle - As a wind powered vehicle, maximum speed depends on wind velocity and skill of driver
- Health Building - Pedals provide passenger with opportunity to exercise during commuting time when desired
- Environmentally Friendly - Electric Power is sustainable and renewable
- Saves Money - Highly Efficient Design offers less than $.01/Mile (Gasoline equivilant 300+MPG)
- Large Demographic - As a moped vehicle can be driven by young and old for sport, pleasure and commuting