Chapter 4 - Downsizing

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Big Houses = Big Problems?
  1. Higher Costs for Mortgage, Taxes, Utilities, Maintenance
  2. More room to Accumulate Stuff
  3. Less freedom to move quickly
Our Project to Sell Everything and Simplify Our Lives- Spring 2015?

Overview of Plan: 
#1: Sell or give away everything that won't fit into an RV (or something even smaller).
#2: Pay off all debt
#3: Move into an RV and other "temporary" housing arrangements
#4: Retire from being an employee working 8 to 5, forty-nine weeks a year.
#5: Invest best part of each day studying and working on net positive solutions for my own lifestyle, my community, my country, my planet
#6: Move freely to locations/partnerships where I can best invest my time and energy
#7: Use what I learn from steps above to design and build a lifestyle is debt-free, net-positive and sustainable

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